Dearest lips with the detonating voice that has shaken the hearts of people,
Thank you for voicing my minds out. Thank you for being strong enough to withstand any debates even when you exhaust with all the words being driven out, even when you're not that as red as Snow White's lips anymore, and even when you carry all of the dryness in it. Thank you, for making me able to do such thing as debating and speaking. Thank you for allowing me to introduce my voice to the people, to give my most dazzling smile, thank you for excluding myself when I need to, and thank you for being able to help me embracing other's heart with your words. Thank you for fulfilling my wishes to become a debater, speaker, someone who thinks words are one of the best way to move others.
Dearest pink-colored brain with all the neurons and capillaries,
I owe you for making my life as my life. You have expand my world by your toughness while thinking about stuff further more. "How" and "Why" are your best words of all time. Thanks for arranging my schedule, even when sometimes it got mixed up, I still understand the troubles to remember what you need to do in several days. I know the problems you've got through to remember names, but thank you for being able to remember notes and words, thank you for digesting the gold knowledge, thank you for helping me with school, and thank you for motivating me by keep reminding me about my dreams and hopes. And to put them high.
Dearest 2.25 minus black-browned eyes,
I know how it feels to feel that everything around you is uncertain. There's no sharpness in every thing you see, and sometimes, you need to work hard just to make sure things are seen better. All of these matters came because of my careless act of taking care you. Came from my bad habit of reading books even when there's barely light, and it's hurting you, yes. But still, I am grateful to have you. Being able to at least differ the colors, grasp the condition, is so much better than seeing this world in dark. Sometimes I got in a point that there might be possibilities for me to lose my sight, suddenly being surrounded by the darkness, and in one point, regretting myself of not being grateful enough with what kind of condition you had. And that's when I got up and realize how it's just a dream. How I wish I would care you better, but I'll still try to do my very best to appreciate and value you. My worst nightmare would be not being able to see light in reality, yet I'm able to see the sparkles on my dreams. Isn't that pitiful? You might hope to be able to live in your dream if you're able to see anything only in it. Yet, I'll give no regret on everything I've seen. Things are seen to be known and to be learned, and thus, thank you for making me able to see things I want to explore.
Dearest pointy nose with what-my-Dad-called-as-perfection,
Some people live without realizing your true main role. Some might just say, "Hell yeah, it's for breathing," and some will just pass off giving opinions since sometimes you look as if you're just another piece of making a face look perfect. However, could you find yourself being somewhere without a "smell"? Even when you're asleep, you got accustomed to the smell around you, that makes you think you're safe, you're in your room, you're ready to sleep, just like how eyes help you recognize everything. One does not simply explain your specific part of the action, but I still claim you as another important role in my life. How people get really interested with the pointy-ness of you, and how your existence fulfill the perfection of myself, gratefully. I am not a person to tell whether someone's beauty comes out with the sharpness of thy's nose, but here I am absolutely sure, that ignoring you will simply put an end to life. Even if I got troubled so much when we had influenza, but did you know my relief when realized that I'm able to breathe just that normal again. Or when we went to a nice scenery, did you know how I feel when I smelled my surroundings? It's just marvelously refreshing. Or, when I got a rose perfume from my Mum, did you remember how happy I was to be able to know how rose smells like? It's just... thank you for existing in my life.
Dearest hair as black as the night sky,
Some people have expanded their creativity by having new hair colors, while I'm not. I'm being creative by having it black, so thank you for staying that way. I always treasure you, being so proud every time someone says how nice you look, taking credit for your beauty. I know the sun has been bad lately, slowly turning you into brownish, but thank you for still trying to stay black and thick. Every morning, seeing you made me feels way better to pursue the day. No matter how many you fall, you keep growing. So thank you for having faith on my head, knowing that it will be no good for me to be bald or sacrificing yourself to protect my head. You deserve your treat--being touched tenderly.
Dearest cheerful hands and feet who bring me to new world, new places every second,
I cried one time when you start shaking. I thought I'm gonna lose you, a bit exaggerated, but who knows what will happen. Thank you for hanging there when I wanted to try playing Cello, drums, piano, writing, running, and doing all of those fun things. Thank you for supporting me through your capability.
Dearest ears which are allergic to earrings,
It might be an alert that I'm fine without jewelry, so thank you for letting me know. A lot of beautiful sounds have been produced by humankind, and I'm lucky enough to enjoy them. Some of my kind don't even know how it feels to listen to Classical music, to listen how bad your cello performance is, to hear your mother's calling your name, to hear your dad singing along with you, to recognize the twinkling voice of those you love dearly. Without you, I might have missed dozens of wonderful chronicles that the world gives us freely. Thank you for letting me experience those good memories.
I may not be able to name all of you, which is sad, but truly, a letter of gratitude for this body who has supported me for the last eighteen years, and I do hope it will keep supporting my dreams for the next years, long way to go. Your body is a gift that God has specially granted to you, for your own, with your own trademark, and its own functions. Some may not stay very long, mostly because your own recklessness. But again, thank you for hanging there for me.
Thank you for being my body, dear physical shape.